September 26, 2008

What has Gregory been up to lately?

Pulling everything out of the kitchen cabinet and seeing if he fits....

Pulling everything out of the bathroom cabinet and seeing if he fits....
And unloading the dishwasher while Mom is loading it!!! Baby proof isle here we come!!!


lindsay said...

ooooh that cute little face.
i love how he just fits in the kitchen cupboard.

Carrie said...

How I remember those days......I couldn't load the dishwasher fast enough. Jake would climb up and sit right on the door. Have fun!! One time he dumped a bottle of vegetable oil on the kitchen floor only to have me 8 months prego slip and fall. Good times, good times.....hopefully we will get to meet cute little Greg at Christmas.

themechams said...

Too fun! He sure is a cutie!

Amie said...

I still haven't figured out how to keep Lydie from wanting to do that (aside from locking every cabinet, which is a pain). Every day while I am getting ready she pulls the towels out of the cabinet and climbs in. She and Gregory need to have a play date in the cabinet one day! :)

Sue said...

He's so adorable that it's hard to be frustrated... Those are fun days! At least he's curious, right?